dinsdag 7 september 2010

Wordlist so far

iridescent clouds iridescent: displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow.
irate - I was irate irate: angry, enraged
crinkle (v) to wrinkle, ripple.
to make slight, sharp sounds; rustle.
litigation (a matter that is still in litigation) /ˌlɪtɪˈgeɪʃən/ the act or process of litigating (to make the subject of a lawsuit)
trifecta a system of betting in which the bettor must pick the first three winners in the correct sequence
upend (upended a popular legend) overthrow, destroy, invalidate
ledger (n) a slab of stone laid flat over a grave
filch (to filch ashtrays from fancy restaurants) to steal (esp. something of small value)
histology the branch of biology dealing with the study of tissues
curb (High interest rates put a curb on spending) something that checks/restrains
non-mimetic - To open up and re-define the literary canon to include the non-mimetic side of our literature. non-mimetic adj.
mimetic -> characterized by, exhibiting, or of the nature of imitation or mimicry: mimetic gestures.
trope /troʊp/ - genre trope Trope (n):
A figure of speech using words in nonliteral ways, such as a metaphor.
make one's bones (exp) v. to kill a person as requirement for membership in a criminal gang, especially if it is one’s first murder; to become a made man; (hence) to earn a reputation.
heady (adj) exciting; exhilarating. ("Heady days")
preternatural powers (adj) out of the ordinary course of nature; exceptional or abnormal:
gouge - to gouge holes (v) to scoop out or turn with or as if with a gouge: to gouge a channel;
Shale A fissile rock composed of layers of claylike, fine-grained sediments.
Buttresses - Huge stone buttresses, surrounded by ramps and scaffolding. Buttress:
A structure, usually brick or stone, built against a wall for support or reinforcement.

Something resembling a buttress, as:
1. The flared base of certain tree trunks.
monomaniac - Sturman was his usual monomaniac self. an inordinate or obsessive zeal for or interest in a single thing, idea, subject, or the like.
coracle - He dug out a coracle (...) A small rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame.
paroxysm - He went into a truly alarming paroxysm. any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion: paroxysms of rage.
Doilies - To lift the doilies any small, ornamental mat, as of embroidery or lace.
chartreuse - chartreuse colour a clear, light green with a yellowish tinge.
adenoidal - adenoidal voice being characteristically pinched and nasal in tone quality: a high-pitched, adenoidal voice.
frazzled - frazzled mothers worn-out; fatigued: a party that left us frazzled.
Gossamer - faint as gossamer /ˈgɒsəmər/ gossamer - a fine, filmy cobweb seen on grass or bushes or floating in the air in calm weather, esp. in autumn

any thin, light fabric
impervious - she babbled on impervious incapable of being influenced or affected
valet - your valet has unpacked for you a male servant who attends to the personal needs of his employer
penchant - he had a penchant for me a strong inclination, taste, or liking for something: a penchant for outdoor sports.
jocular questions given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to joking or jesting; waggish; facetious: jocular remarks about opera stars.
contingency - He was prepared for every contingency. a contingent event; a chance, accident, or possibility conditional on something uncertain:
gauderies - paid the penalty of gauderie finery, gaudy or showy things
boorish - I've become boorish of or like a boor; unmannered; crude; insensitive.
inviolate - something inviolate free from violation, injury, desecration, or outrage.

2.undisturbed; untouched.
despondency - state of being despondent; depression of spirits from loss of courage or hope; dejection.
subterfuge - talk of Monaco was a subterfuge to win a lift an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something, etc.
frock - a gown or dress worn by a girl or woman.
succour (n) 1.help; relief; aid; assistance.

2.a person or thing that gives help, relief, aid, etc.
ineffectual - my little ineffectual smile unavailing; futile: His efforts to sell the house were ineffectual.
pallid - like pallid snowdrops pale; faint or deficient in color; wan: a pallid countenance.
blowzy - something rather blowzy about roses having a coarse, ruddy complexion.

2. disheveled in appearance; unkempt.
raucous - raucous laughter. harsh; strident; grating: raucous voices;
shingle - the white shingle of the beach 1.small, waterworn stones or pebbles such as lie in loose sheets or beds on a beach.

2.a beach, riverbank, or other area covered with such small pebbles or stones.
froth - superficial froth something unsubstantial, trivial, or evanescent: The play was a charming bit of froth.
robot (SAE) (n) traffic light
temerity - She was appaled at their temerity. very confident or bold behaviour likely to be considered rude or disrespectful by others.
desultory - Jasper's lessons had been desultory at best. desultory - lacking purpose or enthusiam, randomly going from one subject to another
absconded - 102 people had absconded with them. leave quickly or secretly.
Carapace - K stood up on the carapace of their pede. the hard upper shell of a turtle/lobster or related animal.
rankled - and that rankled cause continuing annoyance or resentment
guffaw - one of them yelled, between his guffaws. a loud deep laugh
whingeing - and stop whingeing complain persistently and irritably
ratify - ratify him in the position give formal consent to
panniers - the panniers on the pedes bag or box carried by donkey or mule
corralled - they were corralled together gather in a group together (as animals in a pen)
amorphous - blurred the (...) into an amorphous mass without a definite shape or form
keening - she fell to her knees, keening. wail in grief for a dead person
anorak - a shiny anorak waterproof jacket with a hood
Jersey (SAE) "Get your jersey" Jumper (B)
Grenadilla (SAE) - Grenadilla icecream Passion fruit (B)
stopstreet - She just ran the stopstreet! Intersection where you have to stop (with a stopsign)
Junglebunnies - Look at that junglebunny! Silly black person - e.g. someone who crosses the street without checking for cars. (slang)
Brinjal (SAE) - Let's buy brinjal, too. Aubergine
Baby marrow - Do you like baby marrow? Small courgettes or other squash
Juice/syrup - We need juice/syrup this week. Cordial
obtuse angle angle between 90 and 180 degrees
revolution (maths) - angle of 360 degree
syllabication - division into syllables
denominator (maths) - bottom number of a fraction
rhombus (shapes) - Draw a rhombus NL - Ruit
trapezoid (shapes) (NL) trapezium
guy - (technology) ground anchor (that pulls something down) - e.g. wire attached to a tent

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