maandag 13 september 2010

Rosh Hashana -> The Jewish new year.

Wednesday night until Friday night was Rosh Hashana – the Jewish new year. After that we went into shabbos immediately, which meant we couldn't use electricity, write and other things that are 'creating' in some way or the other for three days straight. I've come to like shabbos, after a busy week a day of doing 'nothing' (of not having to do anything/not being able to do anything such as watching television, using the computer etc.) is actually very welcome. Three days though? A bit much.

On the first day we went to shul (the synagogue) in the morning and evening, after the evening service we went to Jocelyn (my uncle's sister) for dinner. We had a good time there, the whole family was complete and the boys played soccer, we had some nice chats and wonderful food. Earlier during the day Sarit (a girl that does the children's service at shul – she's about my age) invited me for lunch at their place on Friday. I accepted, even though the idea made me more than a little bit nervous. (I am getting used to all the parties and having dinner pretty much anywhere, but this was the first time I was invited somewhere by myself!)

Lunch on Friday was wonderful, besides Sarit and her two sisters and mother, four more girls were invited. One from Canada (Sarah), one from Durban and two others from Jo'burg. We had the usual lunch – chicken, rice, salads, vegetables and very yummy non-dairy ice-cream after. (You can't combine meat with milk in Jewish cooking, so if you have meat in a meal you can't have milchik ice-cream or pudding... It's kind of complicated but I just accept it the way it is.) It was a good experience to be around people my age for a change.

Saturday was a different story, I ate breakfast as usual but when we got to shul I felt sick and had a stomach ache. At the Brocha (the meal after their services – we didn't have a brocha on Thursday and Friday, so I was looking forward to the nice food) I felt too sick to eat anything other than a few bites of pineapple. Another ten minutes passed, and I asked my uncle to take me home because I was scared I was actually going to be sick. And I was. The rest of the day was spent either in bed or in the bathroom, luckily today I'm feeling much better (and I even had a slice of toast and some tea, without any problems so far... I'm still not hungry, though). Tonight we have yet another party... The Bar mitzvah function of the son of a friend of the family, and I'm invited, too. I'm not sure yet about going... There will be wonderful food, but if I'm feeling even a little bit sick or weak I'm staying home – I have to work tomorrow and don't want to have to phone in sick because of partying while I'm still not feeling 100 %.

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